Breaking down Body Shame

Our guide will empower you to feel confident in your body and yourself. You’ll learn how to focus on the strengths and beauty that makes you unique. With our guide, you’ll learn how to break away from body shame and embrace your natural features. You’ll learn how to love and accept yourself, while also gaining the confidence you need to feel your best.

This is for you if…

  • People who have been bullied or teased about their bodies. Bullying and teasing can lead to negative self-image and body shame.

  • People who have experienced trauma. Trauma can also lead to negative self-image and body shame.

  • People who have eating disorders. Eating disorders are often characterized by body shame and negative self-image.

  • People who have body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental illness characterized by an intense preoccupation with a perceived flaw in one's appearance.

  • People who are exposed to unrealistic beauty standards. The media often portrays unrealistic beauty standards, which can lead to body shame in people who feel like they don't measure up.

The lasting impact of body shame

Experiencing body shame and body dysmorphia can be incredibly difficult, affecting not only our physical well-being but also our mental health. It's crucial to acknowledge the devastating impact that feeling ashamed of our bodies can have on our self-esteem and relationships with ourselves and others.  This can create a harmful cycle of self-destructive behaviors, like disordered eating, substance abuse, shying away from dating, hypersexuality, insecurity as a sexual partner, cutting, or self harm as we try to find comfort and relief.

Furthermore, body dysmorphia can lead to intense physical pain caused by anxiety. Symptoms can range from headaches and muscle tension to digestive issues or even heart palpitations. This condition also hinders our ability to socialize and be productive, often leading us to withdraw from activities we once enjoyed.

What can be done about it?

Fortunately, there are ways to take proactive steps towards healing, and massage and bodywork can be a great place to start. Through therapeutic touch, massage therapists can help clients release physical tension caused by stress and trauma, as well as offer emotional support as they work through the feelings of shame or self-doubt that cause body dysmorphia. By helping to normalize and accept our physical form, massage can help us become more connected with ourselves so that we can enjoy a healthier relationship with our bodies.

For those who have experienced deep trauma or unresolved feelings of shame and guilt, it’s always recommended to seek professional help from a mental health provider as well. A combination of therapeutic massage and other therapies can be very effective in providing much needed relief from the painful effects of body dysmorphia.

Ultimately, we all deserve to feel good in our own skin and bodies, regardless of how they look or present themselves. With dedication and effort, it is possible to break free from body shame and dysmorphia-related pain. Investing in self-care is an important part of living our best lives, and massage and bodywork can be a valuable tool for helping us to reclaim our bodies and feel good about ourselves.

In today’s society, learning to love yourself with acceptance and kindness is paramount if we want to live full, healthy lives. 

Download our free guide today and start taking the steps towards overcoming negative thoughts about your physical appearance. Our guide provides easy-to-follow tips and strategies to help you gain confidence, challenge body shaming, reject societal pressures of perfection, and learn to accept yourself for who you are. This guide has been created as a self-help tool; you may still require the support of medical professionals and clinical therapists.