Experience deeply intimate human connection through multidimensional bodywork.

Liberate your body as you release blocks and tension that hold you back from feeling grounded, alive, and pleasure in your body

Scott is a somatic healer and bodyworker focused on guiding people in their transformational journey to reconnect with their body, emotions, and spirit that they can find freedom and pleasure in life again!

Multidimensional Bodywork is a non-sexual, deeply intimate approach to touch and human connection that honors the sacred space that is your body.

This type of bodywork is rare island in the sea of traditional massage therapy offerings. Scott offers this work to all clients seeking effective relief from everyday stress and overwhelm and those who (even if they don’t have the words) are looking for a safe and open space to explore their relationship with receiving touch. Many clients express how surprised they are by how lasting the change is in their body and mind.

The key to Multidimensional Bodywork is the deep listening Scott brings to the client's body and energy. There is a silent conversation between the client's body and the practitioner's hands, which affords the client a felt experience of being fully received with love and presence. The silent conversation is combined with gentle verbal guidance or coaching intended to invite the client's awareness to expand and soften.

The touch you will experience can be slow, deep or light, and sometimes still. Scott will use various traditional techniques, including Swedish massage, trigger point, Reiki, deep tissue massage, and energy work, to help you relax, release tension, and connect with your body on a deeper level. Scott has infused this bodywork modality with proven techniques from his years of experience as a Sacred Intimate, trauma healer, and shamanic healer. You will experience the benefits of traditional bodywork and the added benefits of this approach.

As with all of my sessions, I am committed to, and honored to, hold a very safe and open container for you. I believe that everyone deserves to feel safe, loved, and accepted, and I will create a space where you can feel free to be yourself.

Women identified clients often tell me how their wounds around toxic masculinity are allayed by receiving this non-sexual, intimate contact from a gay man. The” in-between” space I hold as male bodied/gay oriented man can increase the safety women feel with the straight men in their lives.

  • Relax and release tension

  • Connect with your body on a deeper level

  • Increase your self-love and self-acceptance

  • Improve your body image

  • Experience a lasting sense of peace and well-being


This is for you if…

  • You want the outcomes of a clinical massage with the added benefits of this approach.

  • Healing from trauma or abuse that negatively affected your sense of safety in your body

  • You’re new to receiving bodywork or if you’re a veteran receiver looking for something more

  • You are seeking to become more self-aware

  • You are seeking to connect with yourself on a deeper level

  • You want to improve your mood. Massage can help you to improve your mood and sense of well-being by releasing endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin

Gain a sense of clarity surrounding your own connection with self and the body through Multidimensional Bodywork.

Somatic Therapist

What to expect working with me:

This bodywork is about facilitating deep awareness and intimacy, regardless of gender or sexual identity. It is not a space for sexual contact but can be helpful for men who want to feel more comfortable with men. This is not considered an erotic massage, the goal is not to induce arousal, although the body ebbs and flows with sexual energy naturally. As we allow the body to cycle out of sexual activation a deeper capacity for intimacy opens.


“Scott - Thank you again for such a revelatory experience. I’ve always been visual and somewhat of a person who looks thru a camera lens, but I’m telling you that that lens got focused sharper today. It is as if a filter has been removed that was blocking my full receptivity to beauty, natural or otherwise. I’m getting to know myself more deeply through our work together. I trust this is just the tip of the iceberg of my shedding such a pronounced negative and inhibiting presence in my life. Thank you again for guiding me on this journey.”

— Curtis, Bellevue, WA

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