Medical and Health Disclaimer

The services offered by Scott Weatherman Healing Arts are not a substitute for medical care or psychological counseling. If you are experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, please get in touch with your doctor or a mental health professional immediately.

Intuitive readings, shamanic oracle sessions, shamanic bodywork, soul retrieval, and any other healing processes offered by Scott Weatherman Healing Arts are intended to provide support and guidance. Still, they are not a replacement for professional medical or psychological care.

If you are considering using any of these services, please consult your doctor or a mental health professional first. They can help you determine if these services are right for you and can provide you with additional support and resources.

The word "healing," when used on this website or any related web/ or social content, is not a promise of physical or mental healing. Still, it is meant to express the process of bringing balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.